Author: HxBenefit
DiGeorge Syndrome is more accurately known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. It is a chromosomal disorder which affects if a small part of the 22nd chromosome is missing. Various body systems poorly develop requiring medical attention. It ranges from behavioral problems, cleft palate, heart defect, low …
Turner‘s Syndrome Definition Turner‘s Syndrome it is a chromosomal condition that develops only in females when sex chromosomes (one of the X chromosomes) are partially or entirely missing. It can induce a variety of problems like developmental or medical which …
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome also called CVS is a condition typified by recurring vomiting spells that makes the affected individual lethargic. CVS continues to be of unknown etiology as medical …
HELLP Syndrome happens to be a gynecological disorder affecting 0.2-0.6% of pregnant women and could become life-threatening if left untreated. It is basically an obstetric issue, alleged to be …
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, better known by its abbreviation in the medical world is an unusual but serious condition. It mainly affects the epidermis, mucous membranes, eyes, and genitals. SJS which …
A compound genetic disorder that adversely affects the central nervous system, Angelman Syndrome is chiefly characterized by microcephaly (small size of the head), frequent seizures, tardy development, general learning …
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, commonly identified by its abbreviation, ‘PCOS’ is a reproductive health issue concerning women, and occurs mainly due to hormonal imbalance and metabolic issues. Out of every …
Reye’s Syndrome Definition An acute and non-inflammatory form of encephalopathy, Reye’s syndrome happens to be an extremely severe but remarkably rare disorder that leads to gradual liver and brain …
Klinefelter Syndrome often referred to as XXY trisomy, XXY syndrome, and Klinefelter’s Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder exclusively associated with males having one or more of the X chromosome …
Guillain-Barre Syndrome happens to be a grave and rapidly developing neurological and autoimmune disorder where the immunological system erroneously turns upon itself-assaulting sections of the peripheral nervous system. The …